The Bryanston Catholic Church • Cnr William Nicol and Sloane Streets • S26°02.579 E28°00.907 • 011 706 1314

Parish Register

The Parish Register is a means for all families to join and register as parishioners of Bryanston Catholic Church. You can help reduce the staff work load by adding and maintaining your personal details. This facility is used for planning and auditing purposes and is secure so your details cannot be compromised or shared with unauthorised parties.

If you have already registered, please log in using your password and username that you will have chosen when you registered. If you registered before this system was created, please submit a request for your login details.

If you have not registered as a parishioner, please do so now using our online registration form. The process should not take more than about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of your family. Register Now.

Main site
To go to the main site for the Bryanston Catholic Church, please click here.

New Registrations
Click here to register a new family at our parish.

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